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CALL! for Legacy Pilot in Command



Availability: Yes

Excl. Tax: €10.74 **Incl. Tax: €13.00
** For European countries.
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CALL! for the Legacy Pilot In Command is a First Officer, Flight Attendant simulation. This easy to use software brings great realism into your virtual cockpit making you "feel there".
Filesize : 25.5 Mb
The First officer reads the following checklists:
- Dark/Cold
- Engines Ready To Start
- Engine Startup
- Flight Attandent Safety
- Before Takeoff
- After Takeoff
- Before Descend
- Approach Checklist
- Before Landing
- After Landing
- Leaving the Aircraft

After reading each item it will wait for your action making sure you are properly following the checklist flow.
The Flight Attendant SAFETY feature will initiate a safety briefing before takeoff. Upon landing She will automatically remind the passengers to remain seated until full stop.