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Instrument Radio Stack

VR Insight

Disponibilité sur le marché :: Yes

HT : 371,89 € **TTC : 449,99 €
** For European countries.
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85% PC Pilot Magazine & "PC Pilot Classic" Award .

Now X-Plane (PC) compatible !
85% PC Pilot Magazine & "PC Pilot Classic" Award. review about VRinsight modules
 HERE (June 25, 2009).
The Instrument RadioStack of VRinsight is fully scaled and shaped like the radio stack in real aircraft.  It features various types of aircraft panels with full control complement ; default aircraft of Microsoft Flight Simulator, most freeware and commercially available add-on aircraft (Wilco’s, PMDG’s, Level-D’s and PSS’s).
It is completely interfaced with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 and Flight Simulator X through the add-on software “SerialFP2” which enables the Instrument RadioStack panel to perform full simulation with a simple connection to a PC through a USB port. The package includes a universal power supply adaptor (DC 5V).
Required : FSUIPC 3.7 (or later) unregistered version.
Features :

  • Functionality, look and dimensions identical to a real Radio Stack.
  • Red color 7-segments and tact switches to get close to reality.
  • Luminous tact switches to confirm activation.
  • Includes all radio stack units : COM1/2, NAV1/2, ADF, DME, TRANSPONDER, AUTO-PILOT.
  • Realistic concentric radio knobs
  • Full metal case, plate and stand.
  • One year warranty
  • 22 cm (L)
  • 31 cm (W) - 2.5 Kg.