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VR Insight

Disponibilité sur le marché :: Yes

HT : 1 173,55 € **TTC : 1 420,00 €
** For European countries.
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The JetPit panel of VRinsight is an instrument panel for jet aircraft.  All gauges are synchronized with Microsoft Flight Simulator, supporting the default jet aircraft of Flight Simulator, as well as most add-on jet aircraft.  JetPit panel displays the primary flight information of PFD,ND, MCP, EFTS, EICAS and CDU with fully functional rotary knobs and push buttons, allowing the users to experience the most realistic flight ever. It is completely interfaced with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 and Flight Simulator X through the add-on software "SerialFP2" which enables JetPit to achieve a full simulation with a simple connection to a PC through a USB port. The package includes a 20" TFT LCD Monitor.

Features :

  • 20” TFT LCD monitor.
  • Real type displays for the most Jet type aircraft cockpit.
  • Displays on the panel :
    - PFD display
    - ND display
    - MCP display
    - EFIS display
    - EICAS display
    - CDU display
  • CDU control
  • User programmable buttons & Rotary knob :
    - Five 4-ways buttons
    - 14 push buttons
    - 1 Rotary knob
  • Full metal case
  • 48.5 cm (L)
  • 33 cm (H) - Adjustable height.
  • 9Kg (with 20" TFT LCD monitor)
  • One year warranty.



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