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- B737 (3-4-500) Simulator & Checkride Manual
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Also known as "The Unofficial Boeing 737 Super Glass Guppy Simulator". This comprehensive manual uses everyday language and down-to-earth graphics and clever illustrations to help pilots gain a more complete understanding of a simulator checkride.
Also makes a great primer for pilots transitioning into this aircraft or anyone interested in the basic operating procedures of this amazing aircraft. Covers cockpit set-ups, flow patterns, limitations, emergencies, flight profiles, critical maneuvers and operational specifications.Here is the best glass 737 procedures manual available on the market today. There is simply nothing else like it, and it is the manual that real airline pilots actually use to prepare for their checkrides at the major air carriers.
Written by Captain Mike Ray, who has over 32 years experience as a pilot at the largest airline in the free world, the book handles the technical details of the jet with humor and easy-to-understand graphics. His artistic style, written for pilots, makes visualizing the material, well, almost easy. A must-buy for the serious simmer who wants to make his experience as real as possible.
Includes helpful tips and "gotcha" notes to point out common mistakes or hard-to-grasp concepts. About 300 pages of those fabulous graphics and diagrams that present the intricate and formidable technical details in a simple and entertaining manner. A must have for both the pilot and PC-pilot.A "real world" guide.About the author Captain Mike Ray :Captain Mike Ray, though now retired, has been sitting strapped to airplane seats over at a mega-gorilla airline for over 32 years.....and has survived more than a bazillion checkrides. He thinks he knows what would make your simulator checkride "experience" easier, so he put it in a book. A whole lot of other pilots agree with him, and we think you will too.