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Airplane Stuff

UTEM - Mike Ray


Disponibilité: Yes

HT : 43,35 € **TTC : 45,95 €
** For European countries.


Disponibilité: Yes

HT : 18,14 € **TTC : 21,95 €
** For European countries.

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  • Size : 8" X 10"
  • 160 full color pages

Get ready for an airplane information feast. Not just a bunch of techno-babble, but a graphics rich, full color work of art that is crammed with easy to understand text that explains all that complex detail. The material is partly a collection of magazine articles written by Captain Mike Ray and gleaned from the pages of "Computer Pilot" magazine. While not a "true" reference work, this document will none-the-less become an often reviewed part of your aviation library.
Makes a wonderful gift item for the aviation addict in your family ... I know I would love to have a copy .... Oh, wait a minute, I wrote it!










