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- B757/767 Simulator & Checkride Manual
5/5 PC Pilot Magazine !
This is the book that everyone is talking about! It is the cutting edge manual that many Airline Pilots use to prep for their highly complex checkrides.
In print for more than 10 years and in it's 20th printing, the easy-to-understand graphics and fabulous artwork make the complexworld of the airline cockpit come alive. Over 300 pages of gouges and shortcuts, techniques and procedures dealing with how to operate the "real" airplane will make your sim experience as close to reality as it can possibly be. This book is a must-have for the simmer who wants to fly his 757/767 sim like the "real" airline pilots do.Also makes a great primer for pilots transitioning into this aircraft or anyone interested in the basic operating procedures of this amazing aircraft. Covers cockpit set-ups, flow patterns, limitations, emergencies, flight profiles, critical maneuvers and operational specifications. It's not a systems review, but a complete guide to flying the simulator portion of a 757-767 checkride.With more than 320 pages, many pilots representing different carriers throughout the whole world find the material easy to understand, interesting, and entertaining.
A MUST HAVE for both the pilot and PC-pilot returning for his Proficiency Checkride.About the author Captain Mike Ray :Captain Mike Ray, though now retired, has been sitting strapped to airplane seats over at a mega-gorilla airline for over 32 years.....and has survived more than a bazillion checkrides. He thinks he knows what would make your simulator checkride "experience" easier, so he put it in a book. A whole lot of other pilots agree with him, and we think you will too.
This is the book that everyone is talking about! It is the cutting edge manual that many Airline Pilots use to prep for their highly complex checkrides.
In print for more than 10 years and in it's 20th printing, the easy-to-understand graphics and fabulous artwork make the complexworld of the airline cockpit come alive. Over 300 pages of gouges and shortcuts, techniques and procedures dealing with how to operate the "real" airplane will make your sim experience as close to reality as it can possibly be. This book is a must-have for the simmer who wants to fly his 757/767 sim like the "real" airline pilots do.Also makes a great primer for pilots transitioning into this aircraft or anyone interested in the basic operating procedures of this amazing aircraft. Covers cockpit set-ups, flow patterns, limitations, emergencies, flight profiles, critical maneuvers and operational specifications. It's not a systems review, but a complete guide to flying the simulator portion of a 757-767 checkride.With more than 320 pages, many pilots representing different carriers throughout the whole world find the material easy to understand, interesting, and entertaining.
A MUST HAVE for both the pilot and PC-pilot returning for his Proficiency Checkride.About the author Captain Mike Ray :Captain Mike Ray, though now retired, has been sitting strapped to airplane seats over at a mega-gorilla airline for over 32 years.....and has survived more than a bazillion checkrides. He thinks he knows what would make your simulator checkride "experience" easier, so he put it in a book. A whole lot of other pilots agree with him, and we think you will too.