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- Flying the Boeing 700 Series - Flight Simulators
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Captain Mike Ray calls it a CROSS-OVER MANUAL :
It details just how to make the transition from REALITY to VIRTUAL flight, how to fly your sim using “real” airlines procedures, and makes the mysterious world of the airlines accessible to the sim-world.
Author's note : "I have featured the NG cockpit, but the procedures are constructed so as to fit virtually any glass cockpit; including the early 737 series, 757 and 767."
Written by Captain Mike Ray in a style that helps the PC SIM-PILOT learn and understand all that complicated pilot stuff...and have MORE FUN doing it! This guy has been strapped to pilot seats for over 35 years, and still loves flying. The book’s simple flows and descriptive diagrams make it easy for even your grandmother to become an accomplished Boeing Glass Sim-Pilot. About 300 pages explaining all that wonderful technical stuff showing how to fly the BOEING GLASS PC SIMULATOR PROGRAMS.
Intended as a complement to his other outstanding books about specific Boeing airplanes, Captain Mike’s creative new manual crosses over the huge gap between the virtual world and the real world of aviation, demonstrating how to operate the Boeing Glass airplane EFIS (Electronic Flight Instrument System).
ALSO ... Unless you have been living in a cave and haven’t heard, Captain Mike’s airplane specific procedures manuals are extremely popular ...and they are the PERFECT complement to his brand new Cross-Over Manual.
Each of these manuals treats the respective airplane type and model in a completely different and fresh way, giving the level of detailed and accurate information necessary to pass scrutiny at any major airline training center.
An interesting read and virtually crammed with information of interest to the Sim-Pilot. The professional quality manuals are filled with all the minutia about how to operate and set-up those ubiquitous confusing sub-systems and where to place all those knobs, switches and levers.
It is a treasure trove of detail for the Virtual pilot who demands to know everything.
Here is the author's note : "I have constructed a book that retains the "feel and quality" of all my books ... Full of graphics and art, lots of humor and cartoons ...and I have designed it so that my daughter (who doesn't know beans about aviation of airplanes) can sit down and ENJOY making the MSFS add-on Boeings fly. She can actually program the CDU/FMC.
She can actually make it climb and descend, she can insert and fly an LNAV leg ...and she can program and fly a CAT III ILS to a landing and full stop on the runway of her choice. When the simmer has read the book, she/he will be able to open ANY BOEING GLASS cockpit and make it fly."
This book makes a perfect "beginner" volume for all Flight Simulator pilots !