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KEWR For Tower! 2011



Disponibilité: Yes

HT : 14,26 € **TTC : 17,25 €
** For European countries.
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Newark was the first major airport in the metropolitan area, opening on October 1, 1928. The Airport was built on 68 acres of marshland by the City of Newark and quickly became the world`s busiest commercial airport. During World War II, it was operated by the Army Air Corps.
Located partly in Newark and partly in Elizabeth, Newark is located only 15 miles from Manhattan.
In 2012, Newark Airport handled 34 million passengers, which is the second most handled passengers in the New York metropolitan area, after JKF. Newark Liberty is the third largest hub of United Airlines using the whole Terminal C and part of Terminal A.

Tower! 2011 or Tower! 2011 Single player
This add-on requires a video card with at least 512Mb RAM.