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- Airbus A400M.
Download File Size : 34.8 Mb
English and French manuals included.
The A400M was designed according to the joint prerequisites from the seven countries participating in the project (Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the United Kingdom and Turkey). The aircraft will cover different tactical transport, logistical, humanitarian and peace-keeping needs.
A400M offers to the air transport world a modern, multi-role airlifter which will replace the ageing fleets of C-130 Hercules and C-160 Transall in service with the air forces around the world.
This new aircraft guarantees far superior performance and characteristics as compared to competitors : double load capacity, greater cruising speed and range, optimum capabilities for low-altitude flights.
Equipped with four high speed turboprop engines, it will feature a cargo capacity of 37 tons over 3,550 nm at a maximum cruise speed of mach 0.72. Its design will enable it to operate in areas with deficient infrastructure and on short/unpaved runways. It will also be able to refuel and be refueled in flight.
So far, 180 A400M have already been ordered.
- Highly detailed replica of the Airbus A400M
- GMax exterior/interior models
- Complete and detailed 2D cockpit
- 3D Interactive Virtual Cockpit
- Fully textured 3D cargo bay
- Different liveries : German Air Force, French Air Force, Camouflage, Spanish Air Force, Royal Air Force (green), Red Cross, Royal Air Force (grey), Belgian Air Force, French Air Force (dark), Turkish Air Force, Unicef, U.S.COAST GUARD
- Frame-rate friendly
- Easy-to-use Paint Kit to create your own liveries
- Unique flight characteristics
- Sound effects
- Numerous animations : Animated 3D pilots, hydraulic suspension, flaps, landing gear, cargo and pilots doors, reverses,...
- Fly-By-Wire Flight Control System : bank angle limiter and automatic stall recovery system
- NEW : Load manager for cargo and vehicles
- NEW : 8-bladed propellers with de-icing
- High resolution reflectives textures, dynamic shine, realistic night lighting,…
- NEW : Hotspots on the panel to access multiple 2D panels
- Vector gauges for the Primary Flight Display, ND, Engine/Warning Display and System Display
- NEW : Head Up Display (HUD) with basic navigation instruments
- NEW : Realistic MCDU : new generation Airbus with large digital clickable screen
- SIDs and STARs included in the FMS database
- FMS datas entered with the mouse or through the keyboard
- ND with arc, rose, nav and plan mode
- Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) with multiple callouts
- Pop up EFIS screens for multi-monitor displays, resizable and detachable for any additional monitor use
- Traffic and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS)
- Full Authority Digital Engine Control (FADEC)
- Warnings and caution messages
- Multi Function Display including NAV, Plan, Rose, Radio modes,…
- AutoPilot control panel simulating almost all the features : Speed, Heading, Altitude mode, ILS approach mode, Autoland, Flight Path Angle, Speed mode.
- Battery and generators switches fully operative with corresponding action
- APU startup/shutdown sequences simulated with all the corresponding EICAS messages
- Anti-ice and lights sub-panels with active switches
- NAVDATA database compatible. Enjoy the very high quality AIRAC cycles from navdata.at
HARDWARE Compatibility :
the Go Flight modules & Track IR Deluxe Pack.
Wilco Fleet : A400M has been developed within the limits of confidentiality. Some features may not be correctly rendered. All represented systems are not simulated.
The CD version features the FS2004 compatible version. The free FSX upgrade is available from Wilco website, Support page.
Some features may not be correctly rendered. Not all the represented systems are simulated. Wilco Fleet : A400M has been developed within the limits of confidentiality.
WILCO FLEET series is about quality product, available for anyone who wants realistic visuals and flight dynamics without the need of reading and learning hundreds of pages of manual.
Microsoft Flight Simulator X (Windows XP/Vista/7) / Flight Simulator 2004 (Windows XP) - Windows XP 32bits / Vista 32bits / 7 32/64 bits - Pentium IV - 1.4 GHz - 256MB RAM - 32Mb Graphics - 160Mb Hard disk space.
How compatible is this add-on with FSX, P3D, FSX:Steam Ed., Windows 8.1,... ? Read our complete table.
Sample flight (flight tutorial). Special thanks to N. Herrera ! Get it here Wilco Fleet : A400M -- Paint Kit (ZIP Format - 7.80 Mb) |
Computer Pilot - July 2006 : (more...)
Article extract
"...Flying the A400M is a lot of fun; in fact I have all but retired my C-130 fleet and chosen to fly this one instead ..."
The Reviewer
Micro Simulateur magazine #171
"...L'A400M de Wilco est un appareil sympathique pour débuter dans le transport militaire aérien.
L'appareil est parfaitement reproduit avec ses lignes caractéristiques de gros camion militaire, sans négliger un design en finesse qui ajoute une touche d'élégance à ce gros-porteur. L'ambiance sonore est irréprochable, depuis le sifflement de l'APU jusqu'au ronronnement des turbopropulseurs...."